
Trading Cards AUCTIONS


7m 32s

Look for the 1999 Charizard Holo PSA 9 (Value $1,600)


7m 32s


7m 32s

Look for the Pikachu 2023 Van Gogh PSA 10 / Pikachu 1999 PSA 10 / Pikachu EX Emerald PSA 10 / Pikachu 1999 Black Star CGC 9.5+++ LOADED!


7m 32s


05/24/2024 4:50PM—5:00PM


05/24/2024 4:50PM—5:00PM

Look for the 1999 Charizard Holo PSA 9 (Value $1,600)


05/24/2024 4:50PM—5:00PM


05/24/2024 5:00PM—5:10PM

Look for the 2002 Legendary Coll. Mewtwo Reverse Holo CGC 9.5 (Value $1,700)


05/24/2024 5:00PM—5:10PM


05/24/2024 5:10PM—5:20PM

Look for the 1999 Charizard Holo PSA 9 (Value $1,600)


05/24/2024 5:10PM—5:20PM


05/24/2024 5:20PM—5:30PM


05/24/2024 5:20PM—5:30PM


05/24/2024 5:20PM—5:30PM

Look for the 1999 Charizard Holo PSA 9 (Value $1,600)


05/24/2024 5:20PM—5:30PM


05/24/2024 5:30PM—5:40PM


05/24/2024 5:30PM—5:40PM

Look for the 2000 Neo Genesis Lugia 1st Edition Holo CGC 9 (Value $1,500)


05/24/2024 5:30PM—5:40PM


05/24/2024 5:30PM—5:40PM


05/24/2024 5:40PM—5:50PM

2004 SP Signs Bulls Auto / 1986 Fleer #57 Rookie / PSA 10s: 1997 Z-Force Boss / 1997 Soaring Stars / 1997 UD3 MJ3 + Jersey Relics +++


05/24/2024 5:40PM—5:50PM


05/24/2024 5:40PM—5:50PM


05/24/2024 5:40PM—5:50PM


05/24/2024 5:50PM—6:00PM

Look for the 1999 Charizard Holo PSA 9 (Value $1,600)


05/24/2024 5:50PM—6:00PM


05/24/2024 5:50PM—6:00PM


05/24/2024 6:00PM—6:10PM