Trading Cards AUCTIONS

Look for the 2000 Neo Genesis Lugia 1st Edition Holo CGC 9 (Value $1,500)


05/19/2024 1:20PM—1:30PM

Look for the 1999 Charizard Holo PSA 9 (Value $1,600)


05/19/2024 1:20PM—1:30PM


05/19/2024 1:20PM—1:30PM

Look for the 2002 Legendary Coll. Mewtwo Reverse Holo CGC 9.5 (Value $1,700)


05/19/2024 1:30PM—1:40PM

Look for the 2000 Neo Genesis Lugia 1st Edition Holo CGC 9 (Value $1,500)


05/19/2024 1:30PM—1:40PM